Night of the Consumers

Night of the Consumers

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You just received a new position in the nearby shop and you are really happy about this, but not for long! Turns out that your job is highly demanding and stressful. Make through the shift without any complications and your boss will keep the position after you.

However, in case you fail, everything is over. Night of the Consumers will need you to work fast and complete the tasks without any hesitation. Stack the products on the shelves according to their type, tidy up the floors that are full of dirty footsteps and of course, help your clients.

The visitors can call you whenever they want and you can’t refuse. After all, the customer is always right! So, in addition to your everyday quests, you will also have to look for the lost children, search for certain products and just listen to all the useless stuff that the visitors are willing to share.

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