Let’s Find Larry Update

Let’s Find Larry Update

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Entertain yourself by watching people with a magnifying glass! In Let’s Find Larry you will take the role of an anonymous stalker, who likes finding people even in the most crowded and wide areas. This time, your task is to locate Larry, one of the most respected citizens of the town. But what if he is not who he pretends to be?

How to play Let’s Find Larry

Although your objective in the game is pretty clear, it may be very sophisticated. Start from the easy locations where you won’t meet large hoards of people and gradually progress to more complicated terrains.

The level itself looks like a square with some buildings, trees and people on it. Rotate it freely to have a better perspective. Sometimes Larry will be hiding among the crowds and then, the magnifier will help you! Apart from your aim, don’t neglect other interesting details. The plot of Let’s Find Larry includes a bunch of shocking mysteries.

Having noticed a slight change in the surroundings, you still need to go after the doubtful man, whatever it costs. The town becomes less animated and more deserted. What happened to all the busy people who used to block the view so vigorously? Larry definitely has something to do with it and you won’t stop until you determine what specifically.

Don’t let the third party intervene!

During the investigation, you may notice strange dark silhouettes in the corners, on the roofs and in other places. Are you not the only one who is watching Larry? Let’s Find Larry has tons of surprises for you, but don’t expect all of them to be harmful! Your life is in danger and you better be extra careful.

Although, you should bring your quest to completion in order to uncover all the awful details of the case in which you were dragged. The things are heating up and the pursuit becomes more intense. At last, you will corner Larry, but there is no guarantee that it ends up good for you.

Get out of this story alive, using your logic and inventiveness. Let’s Find Larry has several endings and you are the one who determines, whether it will be a good or a bad one.

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