Let’s Find Larry 2

Let’s Find Larry 2

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Feel the weird suspense of this intriguing hide-and-seek game! Your old buddy is trying to flee and you are going after him. Where will this exciting pursuit lead you? Let’s Find Larry is full of unbelievable mysteries and unexpected events that will change your view on the genre of horror completely.

Gameplay Let’s Find Larry

To get acquainted with the main controls, the game will give you your own instructor, Findo. This cheerful guy will show the main features of the project and guide you at the start. Learn how to turn around the level and how to zoom in particular areas.

After you practise a little bit, it is time to delve into the main story. Let’s Find Larry starts with a situation that happens quite often. Imagine that you are strolling across the park and suddenly see an old friend from the times when you were still teens. Why don’t you come closer and greet your lost buddy?

Although, it looks like Larry is not in the mood to talk, so you decide to follow him. Thus, the investigation begins. The project will make you follow your poor victim everywhere, despite the fact that Larry clearly doesn’t want you to do it. Find out if there is a deeper reason for his aloofness.

Use the skills that you have learned at the beginning of the game and point at Larry on every level. The obstacles in the form of the masses of people can make the process more complicated, but if you are a skilled tracker, it won’t be a problem.

Uncover secret operations

During your investigation, you will gather information about Larry himself and the town you are living in. Watch how a colourful and friendly little town turns into a gloomy accumulation of dark buildings where the crowds are absent. What is going on around and where did all the people go?

Let’s Find Larry engages you to try and find the origin of all the problems. There is a reason why your friend is trying to run away and you will surely be surprised when you get to know it. Although, in the quest to locate Larry, make sure that you won’t get hurt yourself! The longer you are taking part in this riveting mission, the more you start to notice the third-party presence.

There are several endings in the game and your actions directly influence the one you are going to receive in the end. Collect various clues and act swiftly in the tensest situations to get out of there alive and finally divulge a sinister secret behind the strange behaviour of your old friend.

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